Seek out people conversation. Автор Анастасия Голубенко

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Ищите людей разговор с которыми стоил бы хорошей книги, и книг, чтение которых стоило бы разговора с философом“ . Буаст)

Анастасия Голубенко“Seek out people conversation with whom is worth a good book and look for books, which are worth talking with a philosopher“ (P.Buast)

Nowadays we talk a lot about the standards of life. Communication is one of its components. That is why I think it is reasonable to talk about the character of our communication with somebody or even a book. A modern pulse of our life imposes selectivity on reading and communication with other people. So we are trying to “seek out people conversation with whom is worth a good booh and look for books, which are worth talking with a philosopher“.

I think that both conversation with a very clever creative personality and a simple talk with a very nice, kind and wise person are worth a good book. I had an aunt. Her name was Svetlana (unfortunately she died not long ago). She was an astonishing pure soul, kind and perfect person and when I was talking with her, I felt airiness and peace of mind as if I lived in the clouds. Neither book can substitute her.

I go to musical school and can compose something (I have got a collection of pieces of music, musical “The Crown of Cats5 Empire“ etc.). The reason why I want to tell you about this is that I think that a conversation with a professional composer could help me more than in-depth study of text books on concord and composition. As for me, I have already noticed that a spontaneous conversation with a creative personality, professional, his comments and wishes have a greater effect as compared with reading a very good, wise book. It should be noted that this is true for different fields of science and art. So it was academician Yu.B.Khariton who wrote about his joint work with A.D.Sakharov: “Breadth of Sakharov’s interests was unusual. I remember once three or four of us were standing at the blackboard andAndrei Dmitrievich was explaining us his own idea of explosive magnetic generators and explosive magnetic impulses. It was highly interesting but there were nunor things, which were not obvious for him.

We could follow his thoughts were directed to a specific scheme and soon our physicists realized his ideas“.

Everyone defines her or his own circle of friends and range of reading. We make our own libraries among a great number of books and books in their turn build up our character. It was Henry Filding, a famous American writer, who said: “Both bad books and wicked friends can do harm to us“. And on the contrary, “Reading of good books opens secret thoughts hidden in our own soul“ (P.Pierman).

I believe that the greatest book of all times and peoples (at least for Christians) is the Bible. The bible is considered a source of wisdom in Russia, Great Britain, USA and many other countries of the world.

It was A.Gertsen who said: “There are a lot of good books but these books are good for people who can read them“. Reading especially reading of fiction is a creative work or co-authorship at least. It requires skills and consumption of self-energy. But not only a creative reading gives us a great pleasure and contributes to intellectual development of a person.

“Shakespeare and Ovidius

For those people who can hear them

For those people who can see them…


Clever and reliable books are our most powerful and innermost mean of communication. In truth they are the only mean to discuss our deepest troubles with each other: loneliness, love, anxiety, aspirations and fears. It was John Chiver (1912-1982, USA) who wrote in his article “Fiction“ in 1979: “The meaning of life on the Earth is opening of freedoms, which can be used by the reader in spite of the scantiness of his being here“.

I think that we all “Seek out people conversation with whom is worth a good book and look for books, which are worth talking with a philosopher“. But the most important thing is that it is necessary to have a very high level of intelligence if you want to understand clever books or if you want a wise, intelligent person to talk with you. That is why a reader or interlocutor should work at self-improvement.

“Read not books only but get people and especially get yourself»

